Monday, May 30, 2011


These are the before and after photos of our bedroom. Another yellow room painted grey, you're going to say. What can I say? I like it. It's calming and is a good background for art.
The first photos are the real estate photos with the old owner's stuff.... is that creepy? I forgot to take "before" photos.

The photos of the ocean were taken by L and I when we were on the north coast of California. They make me very happy, and were super affordably enlarged and framed thanks to Apple's photo developing and a cheap framing place nearby.

I'm pretty happy with our room, it's a very calm place, and I'm trying to keep it uncluttered. I feel like good sleeps happen without the distractions of clutter and everyday detritus. I'm also looking forward to hopefully bringing our baby into the world in this room.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A lot has happened in the past 6 months....

... the cherry blossoms are finally out, and have been drifting off the trees for the last few weeks.

.... I've switched jobs, to one I love and feel is a great fit for me and my values about life. We've been slowly making some minor changes to the house. Getting things ready in part because I'm pregnant! Due in 4 months. Very excited but also a little terrified and feeling many emotions that I wasn't prepared for.
I'm going to try and update more regularly. The blog hiatus was in part because the first months of pregnancy had me sleeping any time I wasn't eating or at work. I'm feeling better. It's spring and I've been getting outside more, enjoying mucking about in our tiny garden.
I'm going to do my best to post more often, and will try not to make this blog become solely a mommy blog. That said, I've been wanting a venue to share my concerns and feelings about pregnancy and becoming a parent. I also want this blog to be a space where I can come to focus on the positive things in my life. I will try to make it both.