I spent yesterday setting type and printing some cards. It's a two colour job and I will be doing the second colour next week, so no reveal until then.
I really enjoy the one day a week printing, it is a nice, constructive way to spend a day. When I am writing and researching it often doesn't feel like I've gotten a lot of work done. When I am printing there is tangible evidence of my work, both in the results, and the mess I make.
Although I have to say that there were some really annoying problems getting the forme locked up and getting everything to print evenly. I was printing both the back and front of the card on one run, which, I realized, I have never done before. Now that it is set up that way, the next 3 cards in our series will be that much easier to print. Fewer runs through the press. But man, it was annoying getting things set up right.
I would maybe be able to get some printing workshops going for people who want to learn a bit about letterpress printing, and get their hands dirty--the chief librarian is interested in this--but I think I have to pass that job onto a colleague, sadly, since I will need to find a "real job" this summer/fall.
I kind of wish that this could be a full time job... printing, teaching people to print? But then, I have spent 7 years in school, so I feel like I should follow that through.
Either way, it is nice to have a creative outlet.
Yay! I'm super excited for you. This is going to be a great creative outlet! Great header and name. I'm officially a fan.
ReplyDeleteThat would be such an amazing job. Looking forward to the end product :)